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WebQuest Topic: Sustainability & ESG

Powering the future: energy management and renewable energy sources

  • Knowledge

    • In-depth understanding of energy management principles and practices, including energy action planning, performance metrics, and so forth.
    • Advanced knowledge of renewable energy sources (RES) and their integration, including technological aspects and feasibility of solar, wind, hydro, and biomass energy.
    • Critical understanding of energy efficiency and sustainability theories, including sustainable development principles.

  • Skills

    • Analytical skills related to analysing and identifying areas for improvement, and developing energy-saving measures.
    • Competence in conducting feasibility studies and comparing the performance of different RES.
    • Proficiency in using assessment tools and methods, such as carbon footprint calculators.

  • Responsibility & Autonomy

    • Capability to make informed decisions related to energy efficiency improvement.
    • Responsibility for promoting and implementing sustainable energy practices within organisations and communities.
    • Commitment to continuous professional development and the education of team members in energy sustainability.

The global demand for energy is increasing at an unprecedented rate, making effective energy management and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) crucial for achieving sustainability. With climate change and environmental degradation becoming more pressing issues, the transition to sustainable energy solutions is more important than ever. In this WebQuest, you will embark on an exciting journey to explore the principles of energy management and discover the vital role that renewable energy sources play in building a sustainable future.

Imagine being part of an innovative team tasked with transforming an outdated facility into a model of energy efficiency and sustainability. Your mission is to conduct a comprehensive energy assessment, define energy saving measures for the facility energy system and develop an energy action plan. This project will not only help you understand the theoretical aspects of energy management and renewable energy but also give you hands-on experience in implementing these concepts in a real-world scenario.

Energy management involves the systematic tracking, analysis, and optimization of energy use to improve efficiency and reduce costs. It includes a wide range of activities such as energy auditing, implementing energy-saving measures, and continuously monitoring energy performance. By mastering these practices, you will be able to identify inefficiencies, propose improvements, and ensure sustainable energy use in any setting.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass, are key to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating the negative environmental impacts of energy production. These sources are naturally replenished and provide a sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources. By integrating RES into your energy management plan, you will learn how to harness these technologies to create a more sustainable and resilient energy system.

Throughout this WebQuest, you will engage in a practical and immersive project that will deepen your understanding of energy management and the importance of renewable energy sources. You will analyse current energy use, propose strategies for improvement, and explore the feasibility of implementing renewable energy solutions. This journey will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Get ready to embark on this exciting project, where your contributions can make a significant impact on both the environment and society. Together, we can pave the way for a greener and more sustainable world.

Within this WebQuest you and your team will have to:

  • Conduct an energy assessment: select a building or facility and analyse the systems used for heating, cooling, water, etc. to assess the current energy use. This includes gathering data on energy consumption, identifying inefficiencies, and analysing energy usage patterns.
  • Research and propose renewable energy integration: investigate various renewable energy sources (RES) such as solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric systems, and biomass energy. Evaluate their feasibility for integration into your chosen building or facility. Your proposal should detail how these renewable energy sources can be incorporated to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lead to lower environmental impact.
  • Develop an energy action plan: based on the findings from your energy assessment, develop a detailed energy action plan aimed at improving energy efficiency. This plan should include specific measures such as upgrading lighting systems, enhancing insulation, optimising heating and cooling systems, and implementing energy-saving technologies, renewable energy systems, etc.
  • Evaluate environmental and economic impacts: assess the environmental benefits and economic feasibility of your proposed renewable energy solutions. This includes calculating potential cost savings, reductions in carbon emissions, and improvements in energy efficiency.
    • An overview of the current energy use and inefficiencies identified in the energy assessment.
    • The proposed energy action plan with specific measures and expected outcomes.
    • A detailed analysis of the renewable energy sources evaluated and the rationale for their integration.
    • An evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the proposed solutions.
  • Prepare a multimedia presentation: create a presentation to share your findings and proposals with the class. This presentation should visually summarise your energy assessment, energy action plan, and impact evaluation. Use charts, graphs, images, and videos to make your presentation engaging and informative.
  1. Group formation: divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. Each group will function as an energy management team responsible for improving the sustainability of the chosen building or facility.
  2. Living lab activity - Selection of a real building/facility in your town: each group selects a building or facility to carry out the theoretical energy assessment. Possible choices include a school, university, community centre, office building, your home building even, or another relevant structure.
  3. Initial research and planning: conduct preliminary research on energy management principles and renewable energy sources. Use the resources provided within the WebQuest as well as additional ones you may find on your own such as academic articles, industry reports, and reliable online resources to gather foundational knowledge.
  4. Energy assessment: You may contact people from the chosen building and discuss with them the data on current energy consumption or research on the Internet to find a benchmark for energy consumption of similar buildings. Identify what are the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems within the chosen building. Collect data on current energy consumption, identify inefficiencies, and analyse energy usage patterns.
  5. Living lab activity - Stakeholder engagement: identify and engage with key stakeholders, including facility managers, maintenance staff, and energy experts. Conduct interviews or surveys to gather insights on current energy practices and potential areas for improvement.
  6. Development of the energy action plan: Based on the energy assessment conducted, each group must develop a detailed action plan to increase the energy efficiency of the selected building. This plan should include the following measures:
    1. Measures to boost energy efficiency. Example measures could be:
      • Upgrading lighting systems to LED: Improve lighting by adopting LED technologies to reduce energy consumption.
      • Improving insulation: Optimise the insulation of walls and roofs to minimise heat loss.
      • Optimising HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems: Implement solutions to improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems.
      • Implementing energy-saving technologies and practices: Use devices and methodologies that contribute to reducing energy consumption.
    2. Measures for implementing renewable energy systems (RES):
      • Solar panels: Plan the installation of solar panels for renewable energy production.
      • Wind turbines: Evaluate the installation of wind turbines, if applicable.
      • Hydroelectric systems: Consider the possibility of integrating hydroelectric systems.
      • Biomass: Explore the use of biomass as a renewable energy source.

    For each measure, specify the necessary means of implementation, including financial and material resources, the expected time for implementation, and potential energy savings. Use relevant online tools for calculating energy savings, such as the Twin 4.0 calculator.

  7. Impact evaluation: use environmental impact assessment tools to measure the benefits of the proposed energy action plan measures and renewable energy integration. Quantify the potential reductions in carbon emissions, energy savings, and economic benefits.
    Tools to use: Carbon footprint calculators, and cost-benefit analysis tools.
  8. Compile the entire process and findings into a comprehensive report. The report should include:
    1. An overview of the current energy use and inefficiencies identified in the energy audit.
    2. The proposed energy action plan with specific measures and expected outcomes.
    3. A detailed analysis of the renewable energy sources evaluated and the rationale for their integration.
    4. An evaluation of the environmental and economic impacts of the proposed solutions.
    5. Appendices with data, charts, and additional documentation, if applicable.
  9. Multimedia presentation preparation: prepare a multimedia presentation to share your findings and proposals with the class. The presentation should include:
    1. A summary of the energy assessment and current energy use.
    2. Key elements of the proposed energy action plan.
    3. Details of the proposed renewable energy integration.
    4. Visual aids such as charts, graphs, images, and videos.
    5. An assessment of the environmental and economic impacts.
  10. Final presentation: each group presents their work to the class, explaining their energy action plan and proposed renewable energy solutions. Be prepared to answer questions and engage in discussions with classmates and instructors. After the presentations, each team has to vote for the most energy efficient building based on the presentations.

The journey towards sustainable energy management and the integration of renewable energy sources is not just a project—it's a commitment to a better future. Through this WebQuest, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the principles of energy management, conduct a thorough energy assessment, and proposed innovative strategies to enhance energy efficiency. Your research into renewable energy sources has uncovered viable alternatives that can dramatically reduce our environmental footprint.

By developing a comprehensive energy action plan, you have identified and implemented practical measures to reduce energy consumption and optimise efficiency. Your exploration of renewable energy sources has provided you with a profound understanding of sustainable solutions that are essential for mitigating climate change and promoting environmental stewardship.

Reflect on the valuable knowledge and skills you have acquired during this project. These tools empower you to make informed decisions and implement sustainable energy practices in your future careers and daily lives. Your contributions to energy management and the adoption of renewable energy sources can lead to significant positive changes for the environment and society. Remember, each step you take towards sustainability is a step towards a brighter, greener future.

Continue to explore, innovate, and advocate for sustainable energy solutions. Your efforts are paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable world, benefiting not only our generation but also those to come. Together, we can create a legacy of environmental responsibility and sustainable progress.

IKEA's renewable energy initiatives

IKEA has implemented extensive renewable energy initiatives focusing on solar and wind energy to power its operations. By installing solar panels on their stores and distribution centers and investing in wind farms, IKEA has significantly reduced its carbon footprint. This example illustrates how companies can adopt renewable energy solutions to improve sustainability, reduce energy costs, and minimize environmental impacts.



Link: IKEA’s renewable energy initiatives



IKEA’s approach includes:

  • Solar energy: Installation of solar panels on rooftops of stores and distribution centers, generating significant portions of their energy needs.
  • Wind energy: Investment in wind farms that produce renewable energy, contributing to the company’s goal of becoming energy independent.
  • Energy efficiency: Implementation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems to reduce overall energy consumption.
  • Community engagement: Encouraging customers and communities to adopt renewable energy solutions by showcasing the benefits and providing incentives.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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