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WebQuest Topic: Circular Economy Business Models

From Fast to Last: Reinventing Fashion for the Future

  • Knowledge

    • Advanced understanding of the concepts and principles of fast and slow fashion.
    • Practical knowledge of the fast and slow fashion business models.
    • Deeper understanding of the environmental impact of the textile sector.
    • Theoretical knowledge of potential measures and good practices to reduce the environmental impact in the textile industry.

  • Skills

    • Research skills related to the ability to gather, analyze, systemize and make use of information from digital resources on the topics of slow and fast fashion.
    • Practical skills in business planning and developing business plan Canvas for an entity.
    • Communication skills acquired through the conduction of a series of interviews.
    • Presentation skills acquired through pitching ideas in front of an audience.
    • Practical skills in using digital tools such as Miro, PowerPoint, PRezi, Canva or similar to visualize and pitch ideas.
    • Ability to work in a team.
    • Critical thinking and assessment skills through the evaluation of others’ ideas.

  • Responsibility & Autonomy

    • Independently analyze a company’s business model; identify fast fashion characteristics.
    • Independently develops actions and measures to redesign a fast fashion business model into a slow fashion one.

Welcome to our “Fast to Last: Reinventing Fashion for the Future” WebQuest, where we dive deep into the contrasting worlds of two significant movements in the fashion industry. Fashion is not just about the clothes we wear; it's a powerful force that influences our environment, economy, and society. Many people enjoy buying clothes and want to always be in line with the latest fashion trends, others buy clothes just because they have to…. After all, it's something we all need in our everyday lives and often we try to retrieve it at the most affordable price possible… However, when you shop clothing, have you ever considered the path that each item has gone through, to reach the respective store? Have you thought about the resources consumed for the clothes you are wearing? Are you aware that apart from the price you pay, there are other hidden non-financial costs to clothes manufacturing like environmental costs?

Did you know that the production of a one cotton shirt (maybe exactly what you are wearing right now) requires around 2700 liters of water which represents the amount of water that a person can drink in around 2,5 years? It’s a lot, just for one shirt… The textile industry is also accountable for approx. 10% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

Textile is also one of the fastest growing wastes, more than 5.8 million tons of clothing are discarded in the EU every year, around 11.3 kg per person and only 1% of this material is recycled into new clothing, the rest remains in landfills in Europe.

The phenomena contributing to all of the aforementioned is called “fast fashion”. Fast fashion is characterized by its quick turnaround of new styles at affordable prices. Major brands churn out collections that reflect the latest trends, encouraging consumers to buy more frequently and replace their wardrobe regularly. Despite fast fashion clothing is offered at very affordable prices, the environmental price we pay is tremendous… but there is a way…

As of this moment you and your peers are part of a leading global consultancy firm and your team is hired by a multinational fast fashion brand to redesign their business model and guide them on the way towards slow fashion and sustainability! It’s a daunting task, but you are the best in the industry, so you can do it! Good luck!

As part of one of the most renowned sustainability consultancy firm you have the task to analyse the business model of an international fast fashion brand and prepare an action plan with measures of how its business model could be reengineered into a slow fashion one. By making use of the links presented in the ‘RESOURCES’ section and other sources (if needed), each team will have to develop their own understanding of what fast and slow fashion are and the key features of both business models in the fashion industry.

You and your team will be competing with other renowned consultants so you have to put your best effort to back your transition action plan with facts and arguments and thus win the prize for the best sustainability consultants for the fashion industry!

To successfully complete this WebQuest, follow the steps below:


1. Gather the best sustainability consultants and get to work!

At this stage you will have to form a team of 3-4 people who will take the role of sustainability consultants in the fashion industry.


2. Choose a client! Analyse your clients’ business model!

Each team has to choose one international fast fashion brand and thoroughly analyse its business model. Some of the most famous brands falling into this category are H&M, Zara, Shein, Forever21, Primark, etc. You can choose one of these or research and identify another one.


3. Research!

At this step each of the formed teams will have to make use of the online resources and additional resources, if needed, in order to build their understanding of the main terminology addressed in the WebQuest, namely slow fashion vs. fast fashion and the characteristics of both business models. Each team should research and have internal discussion with regards to forming a common understanding of these terms. Based on your research, write down the main characteristics of the fast and slow fashion business models, because this should be your starting point.


4. Analyse your clients’ business model!

4.1. Research your client!

Now that you are aware of the key characteristics of the slow and fast fashion business models, dig deeper to understand how exactly functions your clients’ fast fashion business model and start drafting your plan for transition to a slow fashion business model.

For this purpose, use this ready Business Model Canva template in Miro and draft the key characteristics of your clients’ fast fashion business model. Define the 1) Key partners; 2) Key activities; 3) Key resources; 4) Key propositions; 5) Customer relationships; 6) Channels; 7) Customer segments; 8) Cost structure; 9) Revenue streams.


4.2. Gather customer feedback! – Living lab activity

To feed your business model Canvas with real information, conduct structured interviews with customers of the respective fashion brand. A structured interview means that you ask predefined questions to all interviewees to ensure comparability. When designing your questionnaire make sure you have a:

  • Screening question – for instance do you buy clothes from Zara/ H&M, etc.? You need to make sure the respondent is a customer of the brand you were hired by.
  • Questions revealing what makes the brand special to the customer in order to be able to precisely define the key propositions of the brand and whether some of the fast fashion characteristics are important for customers. Such questions could be “Why do you appreciate this brand? What makes is it special for you?”, etc.
  • Questions revealing the awareness of the term “fast fashion” and its environmental impact, for instance “Are you aware of the term “fast fashion”?” ; “Did you know XXX is a fast fashion brand?”;


4.3. Complete the Fast Fashion Business Model of your client.

Thanks to step 4.1 and 4.2 you have all the information to draft your clients’ fast fashion business model which you have to transform into a slow fashion one!


5. From Fast to Last! Plan your clients’ transition to slow fashion!

You already know what sustainable and slow fashion is and what are the characteristics of this type of business models. Feel free to explore the “Resources” section to read about the practices different slow fashion brands like Patagonia, TenTree and others are applying. Research further in order to prepare your transition action plan for your client! The plan will have to be presented in an attractive manner – it could through a presentation on PowerPoint, Prezi, Canva, video or through infographics – up to you. It has to outline:

  • Introduction of your clients’ fast fashion business model (use the Business model Canvas prepared in Step 4) and its key characteristics that are having negative environmental impact;
  • Actions in each of the 9 categories of the Business model Canvas (Key partners, key activities, etc. how they are going to change?) that your team of sustainability consultants recommends to be undertaken in order to turn your clients’ brand from a fast to a slow fashion one. Explain how each of these actions will contribute towards reducing the negative environmental impact of your clients’ brand activities.
  • Expected results of the implementation of the actions you recommend.


6. Pitch your slow fashion transition plan in front of your clients’ management board!

Each team of sustainability consultants will have 10 -15 minutes to present their transition action plan in front of the management board of their client. This management board will consist of all other teams which means everyone are urged to actively listen and ask further questions regarding each of the measures stipulated and why they are necessary?


7. Vote the best transition plan!

After all teams have presented their plan for transition to slow fashion, it’s time to choose the most comprehensive and creative solution! Each of the teams should choose a representative who will take part in a jury. The jury will have to discuss for 10 minutes which team was the best in terms of presentation skills and comprehensiveness of their transition plan. Each jury member has 1 vote, however in order to ensure unbiased evaluation process, they are not allowed to vote for their own team. The team that gathered most votes wins the prize for the best sustainability consultants!

Fast Fashion

Slow Fashion


Sustainability in Fashion


Business Model Canvas


Through this WebQuest, you have embarked on a journey, unraveling the complex dynamics of fast and slow fashion. You have analysed both types of business models and assessed the far-reaching impacts of our clothing choices on the environment and society.

You have learned that sustainable fashion goes beyond the garments themselves; it is intrinsically linked to our daily decisions as consumers. Every purchase we make, every brand we support, and every piece of clothing we choose to wear or discard contributes to a larger narrative. By embracing slow fashion principles—quality, ethical production, and environmental stewardship—we can drive positive change, one choice at a time.

As you move forward, let the insights gained from this WebQuest guide you not only in your professional endeavors but also in your personal lives. Advocate for sustainability, make informed choices, and inspire others to do the same.

As you pitch your proposals, remember the adage: "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." This wisdom underscores the essence of sustainability, reminding us that our actions today shape the world of tomorrow.

The Holistic Sustainability Approach of TenTree

TenTree is a Canadian apparel company renowned for its strong commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. The brand's core mission is to plant ten trees for every item sold, aiming to reach the ambitious goal of planting one billion trees by 2030. TenTree's innovative approach to fashion combines eco-friendly materials, ethical manufacturing processes, and a transparent supply chain to create a positive impact on the planet.

The company’s holistic approach covers the following aspects:

  1. Eco-Friendly Materials:
    • Organic and Recycled Fabrics: TenTree uses sustainable materials such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, hemp, and TENCEL™ Lyocell. These materials are chosen for their low environmental impact, biodegradability, and durability.
    • Low-Impact Dyes: The brand employs eco-friendly dyes that reduce water usage and minimize harmful chemical runoff, further decreasing their environmental footprint.
  2. Tree Planting Initiatives:
    • Global Reforestation: For every product sold, TenTree plants ten trees in various reforestation projects around the world. The target is to reach 1 billion until 2030, while they have planted over 105 million trees already. These projects not only combat deforestation but also support biodiversity, soil health, and local communities.
    • Transparency and Accountability: TenTree provides detailed information about their tree-planting initiatives, including the location, type of trees planted, and the benefits to local ecosystems and communities.
  3. Ethical Manufacturing:
    • Fair Labor Practices: TenTree ensures that all their manufacturing partners adhere to fair labor practices, providing safe working conditions, fair wages, and respectful treatment of workers.
    • Supply Chain Transparency: The brand maintains transparency throughout their supply chain, offering customers insights into the origins of their products and the processes involved in their creation.
  4. Community Engagement and Education:
    • Environmental Awareness: TenTree actively engages with its community through social media, educational campaigns, and partnerships with environmental organizations. They promote awareness about the importance of sustainability and encourage customers to make environmentally conscious choices.
    • Customer Involvement: The brand involves customers in their mission by offering them the opportunity to track their tree-planting impact through an interactive online platform, fostering a sense of participation and accountability.
  5. Innovative Business Practices:
    • Sustainable Packaging: TenTree uses minimal and recyclable packaging materials to reduce waste and promote a circular economy.
    • Carbon Offsetting: The company offsets its carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy projects and other carbon reduction initiatives, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality.

TenTree exemplifies how a fashion brand can successfully integrate sustainability into every aspect of its business model. By prioritizing eco-friendly materials, ethical manufacturing, and impactful environmental initiatives, TenTree not only minimizes its environmental footprint but also sets a benchmark for other brands to follow. This holistic approach to sustainability demonstrates that fashion can be both stylish and responsible, making a positive difference for the planet and its inhabitants.



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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