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SustainEd Project: CE Business models

Which of the following best describes slow fashion?

What is a primary benefit of adopting circular economy business models for companies?

The success of zero waste initiatives can be measured solely by the reduction in waste volume without the need for regular monitoring and feedback from the campus community.

In which aspect of a product, service, or system does eco-design focus and aim to improve?

Which stages are included in a comprehensive Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA)?

Which of the following is NOT one of the core principles of the circular economy?

Which of the following best describes the concept of a circular economy?

Which of the following methodologies is used to track and quantify the flows of materials within a specific system?

Which sectors can benefit most from the integration of organic resources into the bioeconomy?

What is a key challenge in developing bio-based products from organic resources?

Implementing a zero waste strategy on campus primarily focuses on reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills and increasing recycling rates.

Which of the following sentences is true?

Which of the following best describes the role of stakeholder engagement in the bioeconomy?

Which tools can be used to perform an Impact Evaluation in the context of sustainability?

Which of the following strategies can be considered ecodesign strategies

What stages better define the whole life cycle of any product?

Which business model is NOT typically associated with a circular economy?

A zero-waste campus strategy includes promoting reusable alternatives, reducing single-use items, and enhancing digital documentation to minimize paper usage.

Which of the following best defines fast fashion?

What does Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) primarily focus on?

What is the primary goal of a Closed-loop Supply Chain strategy?

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