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WebQuest Topic: Circular Economy Business Models

Sustainability in Action: Life-cycle Analysis and Closed-loop Supply Chains

  • Knowledge

    • Advanced knowledge of life-cycle analysis (LCA), closed-loop supply chains, and environmental impact evaluation techniques.
    • Critical understanding of the theories and principles related to sustainability and the circular economy.

  • Skills

    • Advanced skills in conducting a life-cycle analysis, identifying critical points, and proposing improvements.
    • Innovative competencies for designing and implementing closed-loop supply chain strategies.
    • Proficiency in using tools and methods for environmental impact evaluation.

  • Responsibility & Autonomy

    • Autonomously identify opportunities and design strategies for implementation of closed-loop supply chains.
    • Promoting higher level of understanding on the topics of life-cycle assessment and closed-loop supply chains among others.

Environmental sustainability has become a top priority for companies worldwide, driven by increasing awareness of climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. Businesses are now under significant pressure to reduce their environmental footprint and adopt sustainable practices. In this WebQuest, we will immerse ourselves in a specific scenario to better understand and address these challenges.

Imagine you are part of the product development team of a renowned company that manufactures household refrigerators. The company is committed to launching a new model that not only meets consumer demands for efficiency and functionality but also aligns with the highest standards of environmental sustainability. Your team has been tasked with a comprehensive project that includes conducting a Life-cycle Analysis (LCA), developing a Closed-loop Supply Chain strategy, and performing an Impact Evaluation for the new refrigerator model.

The Life-cycle Analysis (LCA) is a critical tool that assesses the environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product's life. This includes raw material extraction, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal. By conducting an LCA, your team will gain valuable insights into the product's environmental footprint. This process involves identifying critical points where the product has the most significant environmental impacts and exploring opportunities for improvement. For instance, by analysing the energy consumption during the use phase or the recyclability of materials used, you can propose modifications that will make the refrigerator more sustainable.

A Closed-loop Supply Chain strategy focuses on creating a system where the end-of-life products are recycled or reused, thereby reducing waste and minimising the need for new raw materials. Your task will involve developing a strategy that integrates recycled components back into the production process of the new refrigerator. This might include designing for disassembly to facilitate easier recycling or selecting materials that are more sustainable and have a lower environmental impact. Implementing such a strategy not only helps in waste reduction but also promotes a circular economy, which is essential for long-term sustainability.

Impact Evaluation is another crucial aspect of your project. It involves measuring and analysing the environmental consequences of the strategies you propose. This includes quantifying the reduction in carbon footprint achieved through the LCA improvements and the benefits of the Closed-loop Supply Chain strategy. Tools such as carbon calculators, environmental impact assessment software, and sustainability metrics will be used to evaluate the overall effectiveness of your proposed solutions. This evaluation will help your team understand the tangible benefits of your strategies and provide a clear pathway for the company to follow in its sustainability efforts.

Throughout this WebQuest, you will engage in a practical and immersive learning experience. By applying these concepts to a real-world scenario, you will not only understand the theoretical underpinnings of sustainability but also gain hands-on experience in implementing sustainable practices. You will conduct a detailed life-cycle analysis of the new refrigerator model, develop innovative strategies for a closed-loop supply chain, and rigorously evaluate the environmental impacts of your proposed solutions.

By imagining yourself as part of a product development team, you will gain practical insights and develop the expertise necessary to drive sustainable innovation in your future career. Your contributions to this project, no matter how small, will pave the way for significant positive changes for the environment, helping to create a better world for future generations. Good luck!

As part of this WebQuest your team will have the following tasks:

  • Conduct a life-cycle analysis (LCA) of a specific model of refrigerator.
  • Develop a closed-loop supply chain strategy for the product, identifying ways to reduce waste and recycle materials.
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of the proposed strategy using specific tools and methods.
  • Compile the results into a detailed report.
  • Prepare a multimedia presentation to share the findings with the class.

In this WebQuest, you will follow a structured process to complete your project as part of the product development team of a refrigerator manufacturing company. This process is designed to help you systematically conduct a Life-cycle Analysis (LCA), develop a Closed-loop Supply Chain strategy, and perform an Impact Evaluation for the new refrigerator model. Additionally, you will engage in a living lab environment, interact with stakeholders, and prototype your solutions to ensure practical application and real-world relevance.


Step-by-Step process:

  1. Group formation: Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. Each group will act as a product development team responsible for improving the sustainability of a new refrigerator model.
  2. Product selection and initial research: Begin by selecting a specific refrigerator model for your analysis. Conduct initial research to understand the current design, materials used, and the product's life cycle stages. Use the resources provided in the WebQues as well as company reports, academic articles, and industry publications.
  3. Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) - living lab activity: Perform a comprehensive LCA for the selected refrigerator model. Use free tools like OpenLCA to assess the environmental impacts across all stages of the product's life cycle. Follow these steps:
    • Define the goal and scope of the LCA.
    • Conduct an inventory analysis of input and output data.
    • Perform an impact assessment.
    • Interpret the results and identify critical points where the environmental impact is highest.

    To gain valuable industry insights and carry out your LCA, identify and interact with key stakeholders, including suppliers, manufacturers, consumers, and environmental experts. Organise virtual meetings or interviews to gather information about the life cycle (cradle-to-grave) of the refrigerator.

  4. Closed-loop supply chain strategy: Develop a strategy to incorporate recycled materials and design for disassembly in the refrigerator production process. Consider ways to reintroduce end-of-life products back into the supply chain. Create a detailed plan outlining the steps needed to implement this strategy, including necessary changes in design, sourcing, and manufacturing processes.
  5. Impact evaluation: Use environmental impact assessment tools, like OpenLCA, to measure the benefits of your proposed improvements. Quantify the reduction in carbon footprint, energy usage, and material waste achieved through your LCA and closed-loop supply chain strategy. Compare these results to the initial baseline data.
  6. Living lab activity (Optional) prototyping:
    • Activity description: Create a prototype or model of the improved refrigerator design using sustainable materials and methods. This activity is optional and can be adapted based on the available resources.
    • Sustainable prototyping methods:
      • Digital modelling: Use free 3D modelling tools such as Tinkercad to create a digital model of the improved refrigerator. This tool is accessible online and easy to use for beginners.
      • Prototyping with recycled materials:
        • Use recycled and easily available materials to build a physical model. For example, cardboard, recycled plastic, and other repurposed materials can be used to represent different parts of the refrigerator.
        • Make a list of materials you can recycle and use your creativity to assemble the prototype.
      • Quick prototyping with paper and glue: If you don’t have access to digital tools or specific materials, you can create a simple model using paper, glue, and colours. Draw the various parts of the refrigerator on paper, cut them out, and assemble them to create a three-dimensional model.

      The prototype should show how the improved design incorporates recycled materials and how the refrigerator can be easily disassembled for end-of-life recycling.

    • Project description: Write a brief description of the prototype, explaining the sustainable design choices and how they contribute to reducing environmental impact.
  7. Present your project: Make a multimedia presentation containing the following:
    • Introduction: Provide an overview of the project and explain the importance of sustainability for the new refrigerator model.
    • Stakeholder Insights and Key Findings: Summarise the insights gathered from stakeholder interactions and the main results of the Life-cycle Analysis (LCA). Include charts and data to support your findings.
    • Impact Evaluation & Prototyping: Describe the impact evaluation, feel free to use AI-generated or 3D modelled images of your new improved sustainable refrigerator in case you implemented the optional activities. Explain how feedback from stakeholders and LCA analysis influenced the final design and why it is sustainable.
    • Describe in writing or with a diagram the closed-loop supply chain for your refrigerator.
    • Conclusion: Summarise the environmental benefits of your strategies and reflect on the skills acquired and their relevance to future sustainability initiatives. Invite the audience to ask questions and discuss.
  8. Present your work to the class, explaining your findings and proposed improvements. Highlight the practical applications of your strategies and the benefits of your new sustainable refrigerator. Engage with your audience by answering questions and discussing potential future developments.

By following this process, you will gain a deep understanding of the complexities involved in making products more sustainable. You will also develop practical skills in conducting LCA, designing of closed-loop supply chains, and engaging with stakeholders as part of the living lab activities in this WebQuest.

In this WebQuest, you will need various resources to help you understand and apply the concepts of Life-cycle Analysis (LCA), Closed-loop Supply Chains, and Impact Evaluation. The following links and tools will provide you with the necessary knowledge and support to complete your project and presentation successfully.

These resources will help you build a solid understanding of the key concepts required for your project. Use them to gather information, support your analyses, and enhance your presentations.

Sustainability is not just a buzzword but a concrete commitment to the future of our planet. Throughout this WebQuest, you have delved into the intricacies of life-cycle analysis, closed-loop supply chains, and environmental impact evaluation. These concepts are not only theoretical but have practical applications that can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of products and processes.

By conducting a life-cycle analysis, you have identified critical points in the product's life where improvements can be made. Developing a closed-loop supply chain strategy has shown you the importance of reusing and recycling materials, reducing the need for raw resources, and minimising waste. The impact evaluation has provided a clear picture of how these strategies benefit the environment, offering a pathway to more sustainable practices.

Reflect on the knowledge and skills you have acquired during this project. These tools empower you to make informed decisions and implement sustainable practices in your future careers and daily lives. Your contributions, no matter how small, can lead to significant positive changes for the environment. Continue exploring and advocating for sustainability, and you will help create a better world for future generations.

Philips' Circular Economy Initiative

Philips has implemented a circular economy model in their electronic products, focusing on waste reduction and material efficiency. Through design for recyclability and reuse, Philips has significantly reduced its environmental impact. This example illustrates how companies can adopt sustainable practices to improve efficiency and reduce costs while protecting the environment.


Link: The circular imperative

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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